Published inFrontend WeeklyReact without Pain: Avoid Re-Renders and Simplify DependenciesTracking re-renderings in React can be a painstaking process. Fine-grain reactivity pattern offers a solution that completely removes this…May 13, 2024May 13, 2024
Published inJavaScript in Plain EnglishReact 18 Suspense Minimal ExampleIn the current version of React (17.0.2 at the day of this article creation), Suspense is a component, that allows developers to lazy-load…Jan 23, 2022Jan 23, 2022
Published inFrontend WeeklyTwo-way binding will make your React code better.Two-way binding allows creating synchronization between 2 entities, for example, application data and view. React out of the box, provides…Jan 14, 2022Jan 14, 2022
Published inFrontend WeeklyCurrency converter app in React and Mlyn👋 Let build a currency converter app:Dec 14, 2021Dec 14, 2021
Published inFrontend Weekly“Proxy / Observable as property” pattern in ReactSuppose you have the following app:Dec 6, 20211Dec 6, 20211
Published inFrontend WeeklyTodoMVC app with React and Mlyn.Impressed by fine-grained reactivity concept from solid-js, I’ve tried to build a library that brings it to react. Some react issues I was…Nov 23, 2021Nov 23, 2021
Published inFrontend WeeklyFine-grained reactivity in React with MlynYou might hear recently about great frameworks like Svelte and Solid, that aim to become react replacements. One of the complaints about…Nov 2, 2021Nov 2, 2021
Published inEnlear AcademyTwo-way data binding in react with mlyn.Short, consistent and performant way to update react components state.Sep 28, 20211Sep 28, 20211
Published inFrontend WeeklyReduce React re-renders with mlyn.The problem: you have an application, where a component updates state, that should be displayed in an absolutely different part of the app…Sep 4, 20214Sep 4, 20214
Published inFrontend WeeklyTyping actions and action payloads for redux-toolkitRedux-toolkit helps us to significantly reduce boilerplate in the layer redux of our applications. If you’re not familiar with…Mar 22, 2021Mar 22, 2021