Typing actions and action payloads for redux-toolkit

Mikhail Boutylin
Frontend Weekly
Published in
2 min readMar 22, 2021


Redux-toolkit helps us to significantly reduce boilerplate in the redux layer of our applications. If you’re not familiar with redux-toolkit you can reference official documentation.

Let create a simple todo reducer:

One downside of this code, is that it’s not possible to reuse types of actions and action payloads setTodoStatus and removeTodo. For example if you need to reuse action type in a middleware handler (e.g. redux-saga). One simple solution would be to extract those as separate types:

However, this once again increases boilerplate. Another option would be to use ReturnType utility to retrieve action return type from the payload creator:

This however make verbose code of the middleware, also this strategy isn’t good if we want to reuse just payload type (for example a utility that should prepare a payload for action). To do that we should get the type on key payload of the action type. But it looks even worse than example before:

However there’s a way to automatically map all action creator types to action and action payloads types. To do that we need to have a generic utility. What we need is to achieve a map of action creators and transform it to actions or action payloads map. Once again we’ll use ReturnType utility to achieve that:

And within those utilities we can easily create desired types in an automatic fashion:

I would prefer to reference type asPayloads.setTodoStatus , however TS doesn’t like this syntax.

A final note, is that setTodoStatus type is camel case, and it would be nice to capitalize it. I find it amazing, that TS 4 allows us to do so, by the ability to manipulate objects keys and Capitalize utility:

Hope you found above helpful. Have a good day :)

